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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dousei Recipe Volume 5 Extras


Been a while. Many things are happening and in short I'm in Japan studying abroad. Will become busy again in two weeks. Hopefully I can bust out more chapters before then.

I can't show enough appreciation for the people who help translate mangas. As an avid manga reader myself, I've only realized how hard it is to translate manga, let along editing and other minute stuff. Thanks to all the scanlators out there!

Back to the topic... Dousei Recipe volume 5 ended. Here are some extra chapters at the end of the volume. Enjoy!
ps. As usual, it would be advised to read these in a safe setting (slightly NSFW-ish)

Click for Links

Volume 5 Extras

Yours truly,


  1. The mediafire link goes to the volume 3 special and the dropbox link is dead.

  2. ah ha ha, sorry i don't check every page, use the guestbook at the bottom, send me a msg or comment on my MAL, or leave comment in the newest post. Should be fixed now.
